The Knowledge, Territory, Innovation Platform (CTI Platform) is a strategic project that offers a space for stable cooperation between agents to promote the socio-economic development of Catalonia.
The Global University Network for Innovation is an International network created in 1999 within the framework of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme, by UNESCO, UNU and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) after UNESCO's World Conference on Higher Education in 1998 to give continuity to and facilitate the implementation of its main decisions.
The ACUP towards the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The University and Research School program contains the formative initiatives promoted by the ACUP in the university management and research areas.
The main objective of TeRRIFICA is to influence citizens to influence climate change mitigation and adaptation policies through a series of responsible research and innovation (RRI) actions and the co-creation of knowledge between relevant actors from six European pilot regions.
Project to promote a shared vision of the ESD in the Catalan university system and help to create structures that facilitate the introduction to different levels and create incentives and recognition systems, facilitating the design of a joint educational proposal and establish a system of indicators to measure its impact.
The Catalan Universities Service Learning Network (Xarxa d’Aprenentatge Servei de les Universitats Catalanes) is a young network created in July 2015 with the aim of exchanging experiences and building knowledge about the promotion, implementation, evaluation and institutionalisation of service learning (SL) in the context of Catalan universities.
Catalan public universities, members of the ACUP, work together to support refugees
The DECODE project aims to promote the institutionalization of sustainable development (SD) in university faculties and departments.
SHEFCE aims to encourage the involvement of European universities, legislators and stakeholders to incorporate community engagement into higher education.
Internationalization in Higher Education for Society (IHES) is a European project of the Erasmus + program through which the University introduces internationalization to its social commitment to the territory and opens the activities of internationalization in the local world, including all areas of the university such as education, research, and also the field of university extension.
The project of promoting e-administration for universities responds to the desire to increase efficiency and innovation in public university governance, by expanding the use of information and communication technologies in the various areas of work in universities.