Josep Pallarès Marzal
Born in El Perelló in 1967, he has been General Director of Universities and General Director of University Planning and Research of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2016-19) and, at the Rovira i Virgili University (URV), Vice-Rector for Academic Policy and PDI (2014-16), Vice-Rector of PDI (2008-14), Vice-Rector for Transfer and Innovation (2006-08) and Director of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Electric and Automatic (2000-06).
He began his academic training studying at the University of Barcelona. In 1997 he defended his thesis in the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Subsequently, he completed a one-year postdoctoral stay at the Debye Institute of the Universiteit Utrecht, in the Netherlands.
He joined the URV in October 1991, where he has been the head of an interim university school, a university school and a university holder. Since 2009 he is a university professor of Electronic Technology. He has mainly taught compulsory undergraduate subjects and master's electives at the Higher Technical School of Engineering. In addition, he has directed and co-directed 10 doctoral theses, all with international distinction. He is a distinguished professor of the extranet.
He is a member of the research group Nanoelectronics and Photonic Systems, author of more than 100 publications in indexed international journals (h = 40) and co-author of two patents. He has been principal investigator of projects of the European Union, Consolider and the National Plan. He has experience in semiconductor and photonic devices. His current line of research is the manufacture, characterization and modeling of solar cells with organic and polymeric materials. He is a senior member of the Electron Device Society (EDS) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).