Mastermind Europe Project

Mastermind Europe was set up to respond to the need for a better way to decide which students are suitable for which Master’s programme. Fewer and fewer Master’s programmes have one specific Bachelor’s programme to which they ‘belong’.

More and more Master’s programmes actively seek to build their classroom with students from diverse background: in terms of their national and cultural background, their disciplinary background, and their prior experience in education and in practice. This growing diversity requires new and better ways to answer the key question: “Which students are (most) suitable for admission to my Master’s programme – and how do I know if they are?” The Mastermind Europe helps Master’s programmes to improve their admission practice, to be more transparent to prospective students and to create better feedback loops between admission and the Master’s programme itself. It helps to respond to the growing demand for more competency-oriented education, preparing graduates for life and work in which they will have to go on learning and adapting to a changing environment. 

Mastermind Europe started as a Strategic Partnership project, with support from the ERASMUS+ programme. In the project, we developing a Toolkit with Guiding Tools and other resources resources that can support academic directors of Master’s programmes with an interest to improve their admission system. The consortium consists of a balanced mix of universities, universities’ associations, and specialised organisations from various regions within the European Union. The Consortium is built to be able to function at three levels: at the institutional level, at the national level, and at the European level, because the instruments need to be developed with input at programme level, but need to have an impact at both national and European level.

With the transition from the Erasmus+ project, there were also some changes in the Consortium which now consists of: VU Amsterdam (coordinadors), ACUP, Consell Interuniversitari de Catalunya, ACA, University of Helsinki, University of Vilnius, Study Portals, NOKUT, Politecnico de Milano and the German Rector's Conference. 
