Training on the external impact of public procurement

The Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation, in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Public Procurement and with the support of the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation, is organizing the second edition of the course on the external impact of public procurement on 'School of Public Administration of Catalonia.


  • Increase knowledge and consideration of the impacts (positive and negative) of public policies, not only in Catalonia, but also abroad, in other countries (extraterritorial dimension) and in future generations, with a global, transversal approach. integral: in human rights, in gender equity, in the environment ..., etc.
  • To provide the tools to be able to act from the Administration in a manner consistent with the development cooperation policy of the Generalitat de Catalunya (coherence of development policies).
  • Facilitate compliance with the obligation of contracting authorities to ensure that the design of the award criteria allows for high quality works, supplies and services, through the inclusion of qualitative, environmental, social and innovative aspects related to the object. of the contract.


Technical staff and those responsible for contracting the central and territorial services of the departments of the Generalitat de Catalunya, public universities, trade unions, Parliament and local bodies that promote and propose the contracting of services, works and supplies, as well as the people who manage and process them. contracts.

The distribution of places initially planned is 15 for the Generalitat de Catalunya and 15 for the local administration. If the registrations of one of the areas do not reach this number, their places will pass to the other until the capacity of the course is completed. And if there were still vacancies, they would be open to technical cooperation staff.

Curs sobre l'impacte exterior de la contractació pública