IMPI’s final conference with the ACUP’s collaboration

The IMPI project, coordinated by CHE Consult with SIU, NUFFIC, ACA, CampusFrance and Perspektywy as partners, has focused on mapping and profiling internationalisation of higher education institutions. The project aimed to provide HEIs with an insight into their performance in internationalisation and measures for improvement through a set of indicators linked to the goals and actions that the universities want to pursue.

The final conference “The IMPI initiative and beyond. Mapping and profiling internationalization”, which took place on the 10th of May in Brussels, presented the main output of the project—the IMPI toolbox together with presentations of projects with similar and/or complementary objectives such as AHELO (OECD) and MAUNIMO (European University Association). The IMPI toolbox is a comprehensive, yet user-friendly list of internationalisation indicators, developed to support European higher education institutions in better tracking and self-assessing their international endeavours.

The toolbox—accessible online and free of charge—was developed in cooperation with over 40 higher education institutions from more than 10 European countries and tested for two main purposes: institutional self-assessment and international/inter-institutional benchmarking. The Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) and its member institutions participated as an associate partner by providing feedback during the toolbox design and the selection of indicators, as well as the first testing phase. In addition, two of our member institutions participated in the second round of testing with positive experiences.

The project has now ended but the IMPI toolbox will still be accessible online and free of charge for any institution interested in institutional self-assessment and international/inter-institutional benchmarking. In parallel to this project, and complementarily, the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP), the member institutions and the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia (CIC) have been working on selecting and defining an appropriate set of internationalization indicators for the university system in Catalonia.

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