Activities #UniversitatsRefugi

The Association of Catalan Public Universities (ACUP) promotes and facilitates the active involvement of communities in their initiatives and actions related to the reception of refugees arrived to Catalonia. Talks on the Syrian conflict, to facilitate newcomers access to academic activities or to articulate specific areas and services in response to the needs of this group are some of the actions provided. See them all in this site.

Calendar of activities:

October 2016 to June 2017. Access course at university for Syrian students. At the Universitat de Barcelona. See the UB program of support to refugees from conflict zones.

09.30.2016. Solidarity Day: "Women without shelter." Organized by the Asociación de Mujeres Jueces de España (AMJE) with the collaboration of UOC.

Starting in June. Hosting Program. Volunteering support to refugees. UAB. Get informed and be one of us!

13.05 to 20.05 Week dedicated to refugiates with the campaing #20JrefugeESuoc. From 13 to 20 June in Catalonia.

19.06. Demonstration "Open borders, we receive". 18.00h in Plaça Universitat Barcelona.

26.04 / 03.05. Round Table 'El conflicto sirio' and 'La crisis de los refugiados'. Biblioteca Carles Rahola. Girona. 18h. (Please see the attached docs)

22.04.2016. Conference “L’experiència de l’acollida de persones refugiades a Noruega”, Linda Hagen. Event's Hall. Secretaria d'Igualtat, Migracions i Ciutadania. Generalitat de Catalunya. 11h

01-16.03.2016, 5th edition, Asil, Immigració i Drets Humans course. Comissió Catalana d'Ajuda al Refugiat.

03/10/17.02.2016. Three Conferences on 'La Comunidad Internacional y la Unión Europea ante los retos actuales: Crisis de refugiados o crisis de solidaridad?', Sílvia Morgades, profesora de derecho constitucional, Terrassa

16.12.2015, Round Table "La crisi de la població refugiada a la UE. Una resposta justa?" Universitat de Lleida.

10.12.2015, Round Table "Refugiats a Europa. Mirades des del present cap al futur". FAS, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

10/15/2015 Fair UPF Solidaria. Universitat Pompeu Fabra

01/10/2015, Round Table, 'The Sirian Exodus towards Europe'. Universitat Rovira i Virgili
