PLE-PhD Project Workshop on Doctoral education and e-Supervision



PLE-PhD Project Workshop on Doctoral education and e-Supervision

Since 2011 the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) and the International Association of Universities (IAU) are joining forces in the area of doctoral education, bringing together two projects: Project on Innovative Approaches to Doctoral Education in Africa, led by IAU and the African-Spanish Higher Education Management Platform, led by ACUP. One of the main outcomes of this collaboration is the development of the joint IDEA platform on innovative approaches to doctoral education.

The above mentioned projects led to the identification of supervision of doctoral students as one of the key challenges African higher education institutions are facing. In the recently initiated Personal Learning Environment (PLE)-PhD project financed through the IAU LEADHER programme, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Kenyatta University (KU) and the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP) are looking into how digital technologies, more specifically the web 2.0 tools, can respond to this challenge.

In order to present and debate the project outcomes, create a community and network of experts as well as sharing experiences and practices and exploring new avenues for cooperation, UOC, KU, ACUP and IAU are co-organizing this one-day workshop on e-supervision.

The seminar intends to

- Present and discuss the importance and pertinence of e-supervision and the academic challenges and opportunities involved;

- Analyse the use of Personal Learning Environments for Doctoral Students (PLEDS) as new models of effective e-supervision;

- Share concrete experiences and practice in the field of e-supervision: how does it work; what are the basic principles that should guide e-supervision; what are the challenges (advantages and opportunities or difficulties);

- Identify the institutional actors to involve (programme designers, professors, students, administrators);

- Debate challenges and possible solutions to develop successful e-supervision;

- Etc.

Date: October, 31, 2013 (9:00 – 18:00h)

Venue: W. Mitchell Room. Media TIC Building (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) c./Roc Boronat, 117, Barcelona. 


If you want to attend the seminar in person please register here

If you do not want or cannot attend the seminar, you can follow it online (without registering) here