GUNi Group of Experts in SDGs and Higher Education

GUNi has launched the Group of Experts in SDGs and Higher Education within its new strategic line of action around Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  The Group of Experts is currently working on the first publication devoted to the SDG 17 “Partnerships for the Goals” with a focus on multi-stakeholder partnerships and capacity building which will be published by July 2018. Stay tuned!

The GUNi Group of Experts in SDGs and Higher Education is composed by representatives of some of the major networks working on sustainable development and higher education and is intended to be a space of debate, collaboration and sharing of expertise from different regions of the world, cultures and perspectives in order to advance the 2030 Agenda.

The Members of the Group of Experts are:

Jeffrey Sachs (United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, SDSN)

Orlando Sáenz (Alliance of Ibero-American University Networks for Sustainability and the Environment, ARIUSA)

Akpezi Ogbuigwe (Earth Charter, United Nations University-Regional Centres of Expertise, UNU-RCEs)

Rajesh Tandon (Participatory Research in Asia, PRIA and UNESCO Co-Chair in Community Based Research)

Charles W. Richardson (Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, AASHE)

Carme Gual Vila (Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation, ACCD)

Thomas Jørgensen (European University Association, EUA)

Arnau Queralt (European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils, EEAC) 

The Group of Experts is currently working on the first publication devoted to the SDG 17 “Partnerships for the Goals” with a focus on multi-stakeholder partnerships and capacity building which will be published by July 2018. The Group will convene a meeting by the end of 2018 to discuss next steps.

The Group is supported by the GUNi Secretariat and GUNi’s Regional Offices.
